Rest For Your Souls: Jesus walks on Water
Have you ever participated in a trust fall? You know the team building exercise where you must fall backwards, trusting the person behind you will catch you before you hit the ground? This simple exercise develops trust and camaraderie, but only when it works!
During university I did a trust fall with some colleagues. The leader paired me with a woman about half my size. When she fell back, I caught her easily. But when I fell back, my weight and momentum overpowered her ability to catch me. We both fell tumbling to the ground, laughing at the silly situation!
Trusting someone in an uncertain situation requires us to rely on the strength of the other to catch us when we fall. In life we often find ourselves in situations where we must trust someone else as we step out into the unknown.
Maybe its stepping into a new job or university and trusting the manager or advisor assigned to assist us in our transition. In a romantic relationship, we constantly take steps of trust with the other person hoping they reciprocate our love and affection.
Sometimes we become sick and must trust our doctors and caretakers to help us in the healing process. Other times we suffer tremendous loss or pain and need a trusted counselor or friend to carry us through the unknown.
Regardless of the situation, all of us face times when we must trust someone else to help us take the next step.
In Matthew 12:22-36, one of Jesus’ followers needed help to take a bold step of faith. While sailing by night across a large lake, a mighty storm put the boat in peril. As the disciples fought the wind and waves, Jesus passed by them, walking on the water. “Take courage,” Jesus said, “I am here.”
Peter, the most outspoken of the disciples, called out, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” Then Jesus called him out. Peter stepped out onto the water. For a moment, he kept his eyes on Jesus. He took a few timid steps toward his master. But as he crossed, he took his eyes off of Jesus and remembered the fierce wind and waves. Immediately he began sinking, but Jesus reached out his hand to rescue Peter.
“You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?”
When they climbed back into the boat, the wind and waves stopped. In their amazement, the disciples worshiped Jesus saying, “You really are the Son of God!”
Like the disciples caught in the raging storm, we all face moments of uncertainty and fear. In those moments when the wind and waves batter against us, we should keep our eyes on Jesus.
Jesus is all-powerful over all his creation. This means turbulent or uncertain situations we might encounter do not intimidate or overwhelm him. We can depend on Jesus’ strength to guide us and protect us. We can trust him and fall into his loving arms, knowing he will not only catch us but carry us through our own “storms” we encounter in this life.
Do you want to learn more about trusting Jesus? Then join us for our next Explore the Bible series beginning on 07.11. at 19:00.