Rest For Your Souls: Jesus CAlls the Children
As a child, my favorite person was my Nana. Every time I saw her, I knew I was in for a treat. She would often come to my home, pick me up, and take me back to her house to spend a week with her and my granddaddy.
She loved me dearly, and she lavished her love on me. She cooked me my favorite foods. She let me watch my favorite movies and played games with me. My Nana always gave me her full attention and lots of hugs. Even though my Nana and I live in different countries today, I still deeply love and trust her as I did when I was a child.
Children have a natural tendency to trust those who love and care for them. Children in loving homes don’t worry about who’s cooking dinner, whose scheduling their appointments, or who will tuck them into bed at night. They are free to simply enjoy the love of their family, and rest in provision and love.
In the gospel of Matthew chapter 19, some parents brought their children to Jesus hoping he would bless them. As they approached, the disciples stepped between them and Jesus. Verse 13 says that, “the disciples scolded them for bothering [Jesus].”
The text doesn’t give any details, but we can make some educated guesses about what the disciples said. Perhaps their scolding sounded something like this: “Jesus is a very busy person. He’s been healing the sick, teaching the crowds, and establishing his Heavenly Kingdom. Jesus is too important for your children.”
When Jesus noticed the commotion, he turned to the disciples and said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children” (Matthew 19:14).
Despite the disciples’ objections, Jesus was not too busy for the children. He made time for the sick, the outcast, the crowds, the pharisees, the disciples, and even for the smallest and often overlooked in that society, children.
This tells me something important about God. Namely, God is never too important for us, even those of us who feel small and insignificant. Everyone from the least to the greatest is welcome to experience God’s love and attention He invites us to draw near to him, saying, “Come to me!”
Jesus continued explaining to his disciples that God’s kingdom belongs to people who act like children. Those who recognize and trust that God loves them and cares for them. Those who trust God like a child trusts a parent, and who enjoy God like I enjoyed my Nana. They are welcome into God’s family to experience his love and attention, so that they can be molded and shaped by him for their good and his glory.
God lavished his love on us by sending Jesus to heal our wounds, forgive our sins, teach us truth, and joyfully give us his peace. Just as Jesus placed his hands on the children heads and blessed them, he still offers us his blessing of love and grace when we come to him.
So what are you waiting for? Come to Jesus like a child with unconditional trust, ready for him to lavish his love upon you.
Join us for our Worship Gathering on 3. December at GLS Sprachenzentrum on Kastanienallee to celebrate Jesus’ love together!