Our Values: Service
I love that, as humans, we all have different hobbies, interests, and passions. Our different giftings bring vibrancy and fullness to the broader community. As Christians, we believe God equips us for service in various capacities with the special skills or interests He gives us.
Food has always been my favorite method of service. I love serving through food because it brings people together and breaks down barriers. Everyone must eat, so making food for or with others allows us to serve some of the most basic human needs of nutrition and community.
Lauren unloading a large truck of food used to serve others!
I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of some amazing nonprofits over the years which are using food as a means of serving the city. The more time I spent in these places, the more I saw how much of an impact simple things like cooking a meal for others makes. Just a few ingredients and the intentionality of making something special for others creates opportunities for service.
Using food as a means of service means so many different things. For example, donating nonperishable foods or fresh fruits and vegetables. Serving breakfast for people in a shelter. Baking sweet treats for women in need. Hosting a community dinner for people who are experiencing loneliness. Preparing a meal which brings people from all over the world together around the table.
Hosting a meal serves the people closest to you. It serves your local community. It serves your city. Simply serving with food offers endless possibilities.
Fresh food ready for cooking!
In reality, food is just one example of service. Maybe you focus on building or repairing things. Maybe you enjoy teaching. Maybe you create beautiful tech and design. Maybe you develop good organization. All of these things can be used to serve those around you.
Use whatever passions God placed on your heart for service. If you value education, donate your time tutoring children or helping people learn a second language. If you care for the environment, donate your time organizing a clean-up in your community. We need people from all walks of life with different talents and passions reaching this diverse city of Berlin with the love of Jesus.
At the end of the day, service is meeting the needs around us — needs in our cities and our communities. We meet these needs because of Jesus’ love, which transforms our hearts. Because we received Jesus’ love, we serve others. We affirm the value of God’s image in others as we donate our time and resources meeting needs.
Even the most simple things have tremendous impact.
This week I challenge you to think about how you can use the things you care about in order to serve the people around you.
Interested in learning more about our community? Join us next week at for a Biergarten Chat about love.